Search results for: kirby institute

Showing 1 - 5 of 5 results

8 September 2015
Michael Kirby.

Michael Kirby to present Michael Whincop Memorial lecture

Marriage equality will be discussed at the Michael Whincop Memorial Lecture on Thursday, September 10.

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10 December 2019

Meningococcal vaccine may reduce gonorrhoea incidence

A world-first trial for a promising gonorrhoea vaccine will be led by Griffith University’s Institute for Glycomics and the Kirby...

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4 March 2020

Looking to the Past to see the Future

I sat down at a Griffith Law School event recently to find a drink coaster in front of me with...

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3 December 2015
Head shot of smiling Professor Darryl Low Choy, Discipline Head for Urban and Environmental Planning, and co-founder of Griffith's Planning Discipline

Planning Discipline celebrates 20th anniversary

The 20th anniversary of Griffith University's Planning Discipline saw academics, graduates, students, staff and industry representatives gather this week for a celebration at the Nathan campus

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20 August 2014

Enter Pyongyang

A new promotional video supposedly showing the every-day life of the North Korean capital of Pyongyang has recently been released...

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