Search results for: julien louys

Showing 1 - 10 of 18 results

23 April 2024

Researchers and cave divers bring megafauna secrets to the surface

Researchers dive into cave sites to learn more about Australia’s most mysterious animals – extinct marsupial megafauna. 

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10 February 2023

2.9-million-year-old butchery site reopens case of who made first stone tools

Discovery of stone tools and cut-marked animal bones in Kenya offers window into the dawn of stone technology.

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13 December 2022
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25 November 2022
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6 July 2022

Underwater cave fossil site gains state protections

Now protected underwater cave site contains the only known extensive underwater vertebrate fossil deposits in Australia.

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2 September 2021
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4 May 2021
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22 March 2021
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8 October 2020

Rainforests not humans drove megafauna extinction in Southeast Asia

The takeover of Southeast Asia’s grasslands with today’s rainforests contributed to the extinction of the region’s megafauna and ancient humans.

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22 September 2020

Newly discovered footprints reveal oldest traces of humans in Arabia

Scientists have identified tracks left on an ancient freshwater lake in the Arabian Peninsula as the earliest trace of human arrival in the area from about 120,000 years ago.

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