Search results for: international dialogue on women in leadership

Showing 1 - 10 of 14 results

12 July 2019

No country for senior women: Australia’s international relations still preserve of men

By Elise Stephenson and Dr Susan Harris Rimmer Griffith Law School Today, the Lowy Institute launched the largest study ever...

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9 December 2014

Women in leadership at the G20: round up

Forty-plus degree temperatures could not keep delegates–including Centre members Kate Shacklock, Georgina Murray, Elliroma Gardiner, and Higher Degrees Research (HDR)...

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19 November 2014

New leadership style needed for today’s world

The International Dialogue on Women in Leadership brought world leaders from government, business and academia to encourage women's leadership in the global economy.

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14 November 2014
The Honourable Ms Leneen Forde AC

Dialogue promotes Women in Leadership

Griffith University and the United States Studies Centre at the University of Sydney will present the International Dialogue on Women in Leadership at South Bank on November 16 and 17.

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18 September 2014

Conference links Women in Leadership to G20

Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop will deliver a keynote address to a Women in Leadership conference in November.

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25 September 2012

Women who would not stand silent

Griffith University Chancellor Leneen Forde AC delivers the inaugural Brisbane Peace Lecture, citing the great women of history who refused to be silenced by conflict and war

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8 December 2014
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9 April 2024

Art and Ethos – Taring Padi

Culturally enriched mediums Taring Padi’s work reimagines facets of their Indonesian culture, deconstructing Indonesian shadow puppet traditions (wayang) and recreating...

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31 May 2022
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Governor General David Hurley

The first 100 days of the Albanese government

Unlike changes of leader, changes of government are comparatively rare at the Federal level. We can learn a great deal from the early decisions of a new government – what it changes and what it keeps; what lessons it has drawn from prior experience and from its opponents.

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6 March 2022
Feminist Foreign Policy

Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow

This is the critical decade for climate action and all foreign policy interventions will be judged against this global challenge. To meet this challenge, it is time for Australia to adopt the focus and techniques of feminist foreign policy.

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