Griffith University Chancellor The Honourable Ms Leneen Forde AC will present the welcome address at the International Dialogue on Women in Leadership conference at South Bank on November 17.

Hosted by Griffith University and the United States Studies Centre at the University of Sydney, the event will bring together world leaders from government, business and academia to encourage and promote women’s leadership in the global economy through a stronger commitment to gender equality and greater involvement in business, politics and international organisations.

The conference will feature an expert panel on the evening of Sunday, November 16, followed by a full day of debate on Monday, November 17, exploring how full participation by women can improve economic efficiency and productivity and generate long-term global growth.

The event reflects the deep commitment made by the universities to promote a greater leadership role for women in Australia and nationally.

Ms Forde said the Dialogue would continue the enduring culture of research, discussion and promotion of issues related to women’s leadership that had been fostered by the supporting organisations.

Both Griffith and Sydney Universities have strong traditions of supporting issues of women’s empowerment across the full range of their teaching, research and administrative activities.