Rising costs can encourage a better kind of tourism
The rising costs of living and airfares point to long-haul travel being affordable for fewer people. It also might re-shape the way we think about tourism.
The rising costs of living and airfares point to long-haul travel being affordable for fewer people. It also might re-shape the way we think about tourism.
Griffith aviation students claimthe majority ofVirgin Australia pilot cadetships on offer for 2019.
Aviation students help high school students take to the skieswith a new three-day camp.
A trio of Griffith University academics have been awarded a high honour for their collaborative work on a research paper.
Some of the best names in STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) research will offer valuable insight into various fields of...
Griffith will take some of their best names in STEM research (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) on the road to highlight the exciting career opportunities to students who study STEM disciplines.
Bachelor of Aviation students at Griffith University could become future pilots with Qantas thanks to a new partnership.
The airlines are back recruiting cadets — and Griffith University has secured three through Virgin Australia.
Over the last 40 years, global air travel has increased almost eight-fold and is set to rise further. This rapid...
The 2015 Pro Vice Chancellor’s Griffith Sciences Excellence Awards were presented this week and celebrated a year of outstanding achievement....