Search results for: elena marchetti

Showing 1 - 10 of 11 results

19 May 2021

The Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody: Thirty Years On

This post has been contributed by Professor Elena Marchetti, Professor of Law at Griffith Law School and Law Futures Centre member.

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2 June 2023

Intimate partner violence and coercive control

Changes in policy responses provides an opportunity to rethink and redesign how systems respond to coercive control, with a focus on ensuring systems are just.

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12 May 2023
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23 August 2021
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28 July 2021
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8 December 2020
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16 June 2020

Indigenous Courts, Culture and Partner Violence

My new book, Indigenous Courts, Culture and Partner Violence, published by Palgrave Macmillan in May 2019, considers what aspects of...

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19 December 2019

Urgent action needed on Indigenous deaths in police custody

Recent high-profile deaths of Indigenous people in police custody show a lack of meaningful progress despite over 25 years since the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody says Griffith University law professor.

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26 July 2018
Aunty Barbara Nicholson reading from the Dreaming Inside Poetry program volume at the Sydney Writers' Festival (Woollongong Art Gallery).

Unique prison writing program provides voice for Indigenous men

A unique creative writing prison program at Junee Correction Centre (JCC) in New South Wales is helping Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men strengthen their connection to culture.

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23 March 2017
Professor Don Anton

Law Futures research – finding solutions to 21st century problems

​Griffith University launched the Law Futures Centre at South Bank campus on Wednesday, March 22.

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