Search results for: do more

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2 April 2020

Businesses must do more than just ‘bounce back’ after COVID-19

Businesses are being warned there will be no ‘back to normal’ following the COVID-19 pandemic and the idea of simply ‘bouncing back’ isn’t feasible.

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1 August 2013

Well, finally we can do more…

Finally we can do more, more of things we believe in, our passions, and challenge ourselves, and all this is because we know more. This is what Griffith has given us.

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12 August 2011

When you know more you can do more, says Griffith

Griffith University is on a mission to educate students about the value of knowledge. And it has signed up its...

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22 October 2007

Lenders and government can do more for low income borrowers

Mainstream lenders and government agencies need to step up to the plate to increase protections and access to affordable credit...

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13 February 2024

Multi-million-dollar partnership with Griffith and Blackmore Family Foundation

Griffith to partner with Blackmore Family Foundation, paving the way for world-class business leadership in Australia.

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11 November 2020

Future doctors need more nutrition education

Medical students need more support to increase their nutrition knowledge and skills before they graduate a Griffith University study has found.

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11 March 2020

‘The doctor will Skype you now’: telehealth may limit coronavirus spread, but there’s more we can do to protect health workers

Griffith expert in infection prevention and control says telehealth consultations are a good step in controlling the spread of COVID-19 but more needs to be done.

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4 November 2019
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27 November 2018

More trade and collaboration needed between Indonesia and Australia

The Australia Indonesia Business Council 2018 conference was held on the 11—13November at the Gold Coast. Under the theme of...

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5 May 2017
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