Australia’s new national anti-corruption body a testament to Griffith research and perseverance
Griffith research has been at the forefront of the development and establishment of Australia's long-awaited National Anti-Corruption Commission
Griffith research has been at the forefront of the development and establishment of Australia's long-awaited National Anti-Corruption Commission
The prospects of Australia securing a strong federal anti-corruption agency have taken a huge leap forward, with introduction of the Albanese government’s much awaited National Anti-Corruption Commission bill into federal parliament.
A new international index ranking shows Australians are rapidly losing faith and trust in the nation's public institutions, sparking calls for a federal integrity commission.
Two world-leading figures in anti-corruption will join Griffith University as speakers and instructors in the inaugural Asia-Pacific Integrity School to...
Whistleblowers are an integral part of fighting corruption, according to Griffith University Professor AJ Brown.
Griffith-led Australian Research Council project publishes interim findings.
Acall to establish anationalanti-corruption commission with wide-ranging powers, is one of the key outcomes generated from the National Integrity Conference...
Griffith Business researcher Professor Jason Sharman delivered the 2016 Distinguished Lecture where he outlined Australia's poor record in dealing with foreign corruption in our own backyard.
Are G20 leaders serious about corruption commitments, researcher asks.
Professor AJ Brown from Griffith’s Centre for Governance and Public Policy outlines why anti-corruption remains a vital part of the...