Search results for: clinical trial

Showing 1 - 10 of 207 results

29 November 2023

New adaptive clinical trial offers new hope for progressive multiple sclerosis

The first-ever adaptive clinical trial for Australians living with MS will seek to reverse neurological damage caused by progressive multiple sclerosis.

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14 December 2020

An experimental drug for sepsis now in human clinical trials

A new experimental drug to treat sepsis has now entered the next stage of clinical trials in patients in Australia...

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18 November 2020

Gold Coast accelerates as clinical trial hub during COVID

Griffith University’sClinical Trials Unit is the first globally to recruit patients for a multi-national rheumatology trial, and will also screen the first patient in Australia for a Meningococcal vaccine trial.

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20 February 2020

Clinical trial into improving stroke pain and mobility a ‘game-changer’

Clinical trial results find one-third of participants experienced immediate loss of pain and majority experienced significant improvements in their movement.

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19 December 2019
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20 April 2018
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24 November 2017

Griffith and Gold Coast Health sign MoU to increase clinical trial capacity

Investigating a treatment for Ross River virus infection is just one of the clinical research trials underway at Griffith University’s...

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14 March 2017

Gold Coast a new Australian hub for clinical trials

From Phase 1 human trials for a Malaria vaccine, to studies aimed at treating osteoporosis and a number of trials into innovative life-saving stroke treatment, the Gold Coast Health & Knowledge Precinct is fast gaining a reputation as a leading location for clinical trials.

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1 May 2013
Dr Michael Batzloff, Institute for Glycomics.

Clinical trials underway for a Scarlet Fever vaccine

Development of a vaccine that can treat the bacteria which causes Scarlet Fever and can lead to rheumatic fever, has the potential to save the lives of many Indigenous Australians and other lives worldwide.

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12 January 2024

Tooth be told, pain-free and needle-free dentistry trial underway

A visit to the dentist has the potential to instil fear and anxiety in many Australians, but help is on the way with a game-changing device promising pain-free and needle-free dentistry.

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