Search results for: cholesterol

Showing 1 - 10 of 18 results

25 October 2013

‘Dangerous’ disassociation of cholesterol with heart disease

A Griffith University scientist has described the recent attempts to disassociate diets high in saturated fats and cholesterol from heart disease, as potentially ‘very dangerous’.

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17 June 2013

Family history focus isolates killer cholesterol gene

The family history of a group of people in the Barossa Valley from German background could be the link to killer cholesterol, progressive new research has found

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18 October 2012

Screening 20-25 year olds for cholesterol

Australia needs a national screening program for genetic high cholesterol, writes Professor Ian Hamilton-Craig, Professor of Preventive Cardiology at Griffith Health Institute.

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17 August 2022

Vegan or keto or carnivore. Which diet is best for you?

In this article I compare five diets—vegan, vegetarian, keto, carnivore and Mediterranean— comparing on the impacts on your health and busting some myths along the way, to help you make an informed choice about what you need to consume.

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8 June 2021
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15 December 2020

Institute for Glycomics awarded $2.66 million in NHMRC funding

Griffith University’s Institute for Glycomics has been awarded $2.66 million in Ideas Grant funding from the National Health and Medical...

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23 May 2020
The structure of the CDC, suilysin, binding to a glycan receptor. This whole toxin is shown in the top left side. Domain 4 of the toxin (grey) is shown in complex with one of the glycans recognized by suilysin bottom right side.

Study shows toxin family binds to sugar receptors on human cells to cause damage

Griffith University research has found that sugars decorating human cells allow toxins, produced by disease-causing bacteria, to bind to human cells and cause damage or death.

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21 June 2018

Weight management program has long term benefits

New research from a phase 4 review by Griffith University of an in-market weight management program provides evidence that a pharmacy based program can lead to long-term maintenance of weight loss.

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19 April 2016

Helping GPs with nutrition education to overcome chronic illness

Helping GPs with nutrition education to overcome chronic illness With a recent report released from the World Health Organisation on the almost four-fold increase in diabetes, Griffith University is stepping in with the launch of a program to help GPs provide effective nutrition advice to their patients.

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24 September 2015

Stopping a silent killer in its tracks

The push for greater awareness of FH; an inherited condition, which causes very high cholesterol levels and brings with it 20 times the risk of an early heart attack.

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