Search results for: charles lawson

Showing 1 - 10 of 10 results

11 May 2021

Reviewing literature: Convention on Biological Diversity

The United Nations’ Convention on Biological Diversity is the most important global agreement for conservation and arose in response to declines in biodiversity due to human activities.

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19 April 2021
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5 May 2020
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13 March 2020
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10 September 2019
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22 March 2019

First Chance to Protect Most of the World’s Oceans

By Dr Fran Humphries Senior Research Fellow The United Nations (UN) has a golden opportunity to protect 64% of the...

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15 May 2018

Law Futures Centre first to translate thought-provoking piece

Dr Kieran Tranter It is not widely known that one of Carl Schmitt’s first pieces of published writing was a...

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1 November 2011

Griffith researchers win major national funding

Griffith University has attracted $7.1 million from the Australian Research Council (ARC) Linkage and Discovery Projects scheme and industry partners....

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17 March 2017

A star is born

Queensland Conservatorium graduate Georgie Hopson was handpicked for her latest role by the grand dame of musical theatre, Julie Andrews. The Bachelor of Musical Theatre alumnus was chosen from hundreds of young hopefuls to join the cast of Opera Australia’s My Fair Lady. “I did my first audition for the show with Julie Andrews — definitely one of the highlights of my career to date,” she said. “It was nerve-wracking, but she was so warm and supportive that she just instantly put me at ease.

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29 August 2013

Bystander program aims to prevent violence

Griffith University is at the forefront of a program that challenges the notion of the “innocent bystander” and aims to...

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