Alternative tidal wetlands in plain sight overlooked Blue Carbon superstars
Study highlights increasing opportunities for conservation, restoration and improved management of wetlands.
Study highlights increasing opportunities for conservation, restoration and improved management of wetlands.
Griffith and emerging mineral processing tech company Zeotech have established a research program to develop agricultural product applications for carbon markets and nutrient management.
Highestsinglecarbonstocksever reported found in mangrove 'cenotes'.
Engineering and ecological science unite to reveal carbon capture is a significant phase in the carbon footprint life cycle of vegetated stormwater systems.
The world runs on carbon, fueling human energy needs through hydrocarbons and driving food webs. Professor Connolly and his team...
Eight of 22 Future Fellowships awarded to Griffith researchers.
Findings reveal how Australia’s alpine habitat responds to climate change and bushfires.
Researchers say potential carbon capture by whales is too little to alter course of climate change.
A Griffith University study found that wetland vegetation will naturally re-establish on abandoned agricultural land threatened by sea level rise
Blending science and indigenous knowledge to improve understanding of Minjerribah's wetland conditions and provide a means for their ongoing monitoring.