Search results for: cancer

Showing 1 - 10 of 337 results

29 April 2024
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20 February 2024
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17 July 2023

A new law in Nigeria lights the way for worldwide cancer prevention strategy

Griffith University researchers influenced passing of Nigerian bill making breast, cervical and prostate cancer education compulsory in high schools, providing a sustainable pathway to cancer prevention.

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17 February 2023

Sugars help to crack the ovarian cancer code

Griffith University researchers are making inroads in ovarian cancer research looking at early detection signs and how the disease spreads through the body.

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8 February 2023

Surprise Discovery in Breast Cancer Treatment

Griffith research has been funded nearly $900,000 by the National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF) of Australia following discovery of a surprising new strategy for the treatment of one of the most common types of breast cancer.

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5 October 2022
Breast cancer research

A Partnership in Pink to Support Breast Cancer Research

Griffith University’s Institute for Glycomics is partnering with Sanctuary Cove Golf and Country Club for a third year to raise funds to aid vital breast cancer research.

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30 August 2022
Ovarian cancer research

Sugar modifications the key to unlocking ovarian cancer secrets

The ability to identify unique sugars that decorate ovarian cancer cells could help prevent the spread of cancer and improve treatment options for women.

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22 August 2022

Griffith alumnus honoured for oral cancer research

A Griffith University graduate has been honoured with a prestigious Sunstar Perio Research Award at a recent world conference in Copenhagen.

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9 August 2022
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24 February 2022

Exercise trial aims to help women with recurrent ovarian cancer

Griffith University researchers are conducting a world-leading trial assessing the role of exercise as therapy for women with recurrent ovarian cancer

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