Australia-Indonesia relations under spotlight
Latest Perspectives: Asia seminar asks 'Why is it so difficult?'
Latest Perspectives: Asia seminar asks 'Why is it so difficult?'
During a September 2011 fieldwork trip to Jakarta, GAI PhD student Greta Nabbs-Keller was invited by security sector reform analyst,...
Perspectives: Asia hosted The Hon. Dr Andrew Charlton, Member of Parliament for Paramatta, to share insights on his latest book...
The July instalment of A Better Future for All turned its attention to global affairs with this In Conversation with Dr Michael Fullilove AM.
The Ministry of Social Affairs (MoSA) visited Griffith this week to further advance the strong collaboration initiated in 2012, with...
GBS student Joshua Saunders and alumna Elise Giles will head to the ASEAN-Australia Young Leaders Forum in Jakarta later this month.
The Australia Indonesia Business Council 2018 conference was held on the 11—13November at the Gold Coast. Under the theme of...
Griffith University archaeologists Associate Professor Adam Brumm, who with Indonesian colleagues led the excavations that yielded the new findings,and Dr...
Griffith University business student Ashleigh McFarland always had a long-held ambition to work overseas, although her reasons for doing so are more textured than a desire to simply bolster her resume.
Strengthening research collaborations on agenda of two-day discussions.