Search results for: asian development bank

Showing 1 - 10 of 61 results

21 April 2022

Griffith Asia Institute and Asian Development Bank examine how CBDC can impact financial inclusion

As digital transformation continues to accelerate across the Asia-Pacific region, the prospect of developing Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) is...

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21 June 2022
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18 May 2022

Griffith signs MOU with ADBI to progress inclusive growth and development programs

The Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) and Griffith University’s Griffith Asia Institute (GAI) have signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU)...

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19 February 2020
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21 October 2019

Griffith research tackles new ways to engage Asian communities

Griffith Business School researchers have teamed up with a Brisbane rugby club to investigate the impact of an innovative cultural...

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12 December 2018

Inaugural South Pacific Central Banking Research Conference opens in Suva

The inaugural South Pacific Central Banking Research Conference was opened today by the Deputy Australian High Commissioner, Ms Amy Crago,...

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14 November 2018
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29 January 2018

DFAT Pacific Banking Fellowship highlights Griffith’s capacity for positive, lasting impact

The three-week program brought eight Fellows from around the South Pacific to Griffith in service of developing research and policy formulation in the region.

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14 June 2016

Griffith facilitates vital research capacity for South Pacific central banks

Four major South Pacific central banks ahve been brought together in a Griffith Business School first to explore ways to better manage their countries economic growth through enhanced research capabilities.

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23 May 2016

Central bank symposium a first for Griffith

Griffith Business School is bringing together a group of senior South Pacific central bankers in an inaugural symposium that will...

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