Griffith Asia Institute’s 52 Global Interns, 43 supported by New Colombo Plan grants, are currently living, working and travelling in China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan and Korea. Prior to commencing a six-week internship, students completed a jam-packed week of in-country orientation activities and events – designed to increase knowledge and understanding, and acquire unique insights into the bilateral relationship between Australia and our closest neighbours. Across destinations, this included industry briefings delivered by Austrade, Australian Chamber of Commerce, and Trade and Investment Queensland.
During the placement, students continue to experience the diversity and dynamism of the Asia-Pacific, while at the same time sharing capabilities, building networks and gaining practical exposure to different perspectives and work practices. Student sentiment highlights the benefits of participating in the Global Internship:
“Today marks the beginning of my third week in South Korea as I complete my global internship with Allive Creative. This experience has provided me with greater insights into the globalised dimensions of the sports management industry, whilst facilitating my personal and professional growth” said Jack Shepherd who is studying the Bachelor of Business (Sport Management).
“I have been so fortunate to work inside the Football Fáentasium Office HQ at the Seoul World Cup Stadium and I cannot thank the Griffith Asia Institute enough for helping to secure this great opportunity. I am so excited for the next four weeks of my placement and I look forward to developing my industry capabilities.”
Griffith Asia Institute Global Internships afford students the opportunity to partake in a supervised transformational learning experience within an international work place, in turn developing the skills and attributes so often sought by employers of choice around the world. Further information is available at