Professor John Kirton, Co-director and Founder of the G20 Research Group at the the Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto recently visited Griffith University. During his visit he met with Griffith academics who’s areas of expertise constitute the G20s core business as well as areas that are increasing becoming part of the G20 agenda such as security, climate change and urban development.
Professor Kirton also presented ‘Prospects for the G20 Brisbane Summit” at a jointly held roundtable event with key representatives from the Brisbane City Council, Brisbane Marketing and the Queensland Police Service who are involved in planning for the G20 to be held in Brisbane in 2014.
In the lead up to the Group of 20 (G20) Leaders’ Summit, Griffith Universityis hosting a research program and running a series of events involving academics, practitioners and the public in relation to the G20. This will culminate with a major international conference to be held directly before the G20 in November 2014.
Griffith University represents the ideal location for a G20 2014 Research Hub, with activities to be organised around three programs. Griffith Asia Institute Director, Professor Andrew O’Neil will lead the Emerging Agendasfor the G20 program while Professor Jason Sharman will head the Global Economic Governance program and Associate Professor Anne Tiernan the Intergovernmental Coordination of the G20 Event in Brisbane program.
The G20 Research Group is a global network of scholars, students and professionals in the academic, research, business, non-governmental and other communities who follow the work of the G20 leaders, finance ministers and central bank governors.
- G20 lunch with key representatives from the Brisbane City Council, Brisbane Marketing, Queensland Police Service and Griffith University.
- (L. to R.) Associate Professor Jago Dodson, Director, Urban Response Program, Griffith University, Associate Professor Anne Tiernan, School of Government and International Relations, Griffith University, Mr Derek Brown, State Director, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Mr Greg Bowden, Director of Strategy, Communication & Economic Development, Office of the Lord Mayor, Professor John Kirton, Co-Director and Founder, G20 Research Group, Professor Chris Auld, Dean (International), Griffith University and Ms Madeline Koch, Managing Director, G20 Research Group
Its mission is to serve as the world’s leading independent source of information and analysis on the G20.