Griffith University researchers have been awarded a combined total of $7,218,149 in the Australian Research Council’s latest round of Discovery Projects, representing a 44.4% success rate.
From settlement agreements between First Peoples and governments, quantum experiments to test reality beyond Bell’s theorem, to oxygen release from red blood cells under pressure, the 12 successful Griffith research teams will #makeitmatter by tackling a variety of societal and scientific challenges the world faces.
Griffith’s successful Discovery Projects are:
- Spectral-spatial-temporal object tracking in hyperspectral videos, led by Professors Jun Zhou and Kuldip Paliwal, valued at $523,425.
- Advancing Quantum Experiments to Test Reality Beyond Bell’s Theorem, led by Professor Howard Wiseman, Dr Nora Tischler, Associate Professor Eric Cavalcanti and Dr William Zeng, valued at $956,929.
- Advancing statistical models for clustering data with structured dependence, led by Professor Shu-Kay Angus Ng, Associate Professor Hien Nguyen, Dr Florence Forbes and Associate Professor Liming Xiang, valued at $509,809.
- Unlocking the mechanobiological events in oxygen unloading by erythrocytes, led by Associate Professor Michael Simmonds, Professor Daniel Kolarich, Dr Lennart Kuck and Associate Professor Jason Peart, valued at $644,976.
- Developing chemical probes for effector triggered immunity in plants, led by Associate Professor Thomas Ve and Dr Santosh Rudrawar, valued at $767,243.
- Breaking the Cycle: Understanding Precarity in Australia’s Youth Workforce, led by Professor Michelle Hood, Professor Peter Creed, Professor Andrea Bialocerkowski and Dr Xi Wen Chan, valued at $408,977.
- Dissecting the interplay of metabolism and lysine acetylation in Plasmodium, led by Professor Katherine Andrews, Dr Ghizal Siddiqui and Dr Alain-Dominique Gorse, valued at $646,936.
- Mitigating the dark side of AI-powered virtual influencers, Dr Sara Thaichon, Associate Professor Isaac Cheah, Associate Professor Park Thaichon, Professor Scott Weaven and Professor Dr Robert Palmatier, valued at $365,770.
- Proxy advisors and political dynamics in ethical investment campaigns, led by Dr Erin O’Brien, Dr Ainsley Elbra and Dr Martijn Boersma, valued at $660,397.
- Settlement agreements between First Peoples and Australian governments, led by Dr Bartholomew Stanford and Professor Ciaran O’Faircheallaigh, valued at $700,332.
- Timber reimagined: structurally efficient two-way flat plate construction, led by Professor Hong Guan, Associate Professor Hassan Karampour and Associate Professor Benoit Gilbert, valued at $520,387.
- Co-creating a sustainable future for the community heritage sector, led by Professor Sarah Baker, valued at $512,968.
A further 5 projects involving Griffith researchers, led by other institutions were also announced.
- Associate Professor Debbie Bargallie on the project What does ‘doing diversity’ do, and how can it be done differently?, led by Macquarie University.
- Professor Simone Fullagar on the project Creating Safer Sport Communities from Rural to Urban Australia, led by La Trobe University.
- Professor Neeraj Gill on the project A Human Rights Implementation Assessment for Mental Health Law and Policy, led by La Trobe University.
- Dr Amber Marshall on the project The Role of Public Library Services for a Changing Rural Australia, led by Charles Sturt University.
- Dr Leo Zhang on the project Copyright Protection of Deep Neural Network Models Based on Watermarking, led by Deakin University.