Griffith University’s Logan campus is sporting a new look with solar panels being installed on the roofs of five buildings.

The first batch of panels has been installed on the roof of the Central Chiller Plant as work progresses on a second building over the coming months.

Renewables Project Electrical Engineer William Pettit

Renewables Project Electrical Engineer William Pettit said there will be approximately one megawatt (MW) of solar panels at Logan campus.

“Once installation is complete across the five buildings, the solar panels will generate 73 per cent of the campus’s electricity requirements and reduce the university’s carbon emissions by 1,174 tonnes of carbon dioxide per year,” Mr Pettit said.

“Logan signifies the first stage of our university-wide rollout which will see an extra four MW of solar panels installed across all of our campuses.”

The project forms part of the university’s overall commitment to using green energy following the completion of the Columboola Solar Farm near Miles, which is providing 50 per cent of the university’s off-site energy needs.

Chief Operating Officer Peter Bryant

Chief Operating Officer Peter Bryant said Griffith uses about 60 million kilowatt hours annually, contributing to around 70 per cent of the university’s total carbon footprint.

“Logan campus is the first campus to benefit from our next wave of on-site renewable generation investment, aimed at helping us be an even more sustainable university,” Mr Bryant said.

“It is part of our commitment to having 100 per cent renewable power by 2029.”

“It’s a win-win for Griffith and the planet.”

Griffith’s commitment to environmental sustainability is an important aspect of the University’s culture and values and one of the key actions in ourStrategic Plan 2020-2025 is the development and implementation of plans to accelerate our target for net zero carbon emissions by 2029.

11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
UN Sustainable Development Goals 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

13: Climate Action
UN Sustainable Development Goals 13: Climate Action

7: Affordable and Clean Energy
UN Sustainable Development Goals 7: Affordable and Clean Energy

9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
UN Sustainable Development Goals 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure