Griffith University’s disaster management credentials have been boosted following the appointment of renowned expert Professor Iain MacKenzie to the role of Professor of Practice — Disaster Management.

Professor of Practice – Disaster Management Iain MacKenzie
Professor MacKenzie brings 40 years of experience to the role as a first responder, Deputy Commissioner of Fire and Rescue Services, and Queensland’s Inspector-General Emergency Management.
“I’ve worked through some of Australia’s most devastating natural disasters,” Professor MacKenzie said.
“This includes the ‘black summer’ bushfires as an advisor to the Commonwealth Government, and through this, have been a driver of some of the biggest changes to how emergency and disaster management has evolved.”
This includes the design and implementation of Queensland’s ‘Standard for Disaster Management’ and the Emergency Management Assurance Framework.
Professor MacKenzie has also led reviews into some of the state’s biggest natural disasters including Tropical Cyclone Debbie, the North Queensland monsoon trough and flooding of 2018 as well as delivering recommendations for improvement for the state’s recovery arrangements and dam warnings.
“My expertise is centred around disaster management, disaster risk reduction and resilience building, all key factors when dealing with Queensland’s natural environment and weather events,” he said.
“Queensland is no stranger to wild weather events, natural disasters, and disaster preparedness.
“Our state runs the gamut of cyclones, floods, weather events and bushfires, and the summer months are where we see the most impact.
“My role at Griffith is to bring together my practical experience and academia to deliver improved education, policy and research opportunities to ultimately enable improved outcomes for Queenslanders.”