Griffith Business School has celebrated the remarkable achievements of their students in 2019 by naming the recipients of their annual academic achievement prizes and awards.

The award prizes range from money and medals to the provision of plaques, books, vouchers and travel. Many awards are supplied through the generous donation and sponsorship of key partner organisations (such as CPA Australia, AGL Energy, Institute of Public Accountants, John Wiley & Sons, and many more) who share our vision to recognise and reward student excellence.

While the awards are traditionally presented at a ceremony held by the University, this year’s event could not go ahead due to COVID-19 restrictions.

Griffith Business School wishes to congratulate the following students on their achievements:

  • Kyle McIntyre (AGL Energy Ltd Prize)
  • Maxine Walsh (Connect Audit ‘Best Auditing Student’ Award)
  • Rodney Williamson (CPA Australia – First Year Accounting Award)
  • Kristy Shakhovskoy (CPA Australia – Second Year Accounting Award; The Tax Institute Award – Nathan Campus)
  • Penelope Cooling (CPA Australia – Graduate Accounting Award, UniSuper Prize for Best Female Financial Planning Student)
  • Neha Saraf (Dickfos Dunn Adam Postgraduate Auditing Prize)
  • Caitlene Hillman (Economic Society of Australia Prize)
  • Nash Jenkins (FPA Top Emerging Financial Planner Prize)
  • Brandon Dunn (KPMG Luke Middleton Memorial Award; Institute of Public Accountants Prize – Gold Coast Campus)
  • Chantal Wood (Institute of Public Accountants Prize – Logan Campus)
  • Jiangyu Lin (Institute of Public Accountants Prize – Nathan Campus)
  • Reshma Goel (McGraw-Hill Corporate Finance Award; Morgans Financial Limited Finance Prize)
  • Harrison Norris (The Tax Institute Award – Gold Coast Campus)
  • Daniel Zamperoni (The Tax Institute Award – Logan Campus)
  • Amanda Barrow-Scott (UniSuper Rising Star Prize in Superannuation)
  • Chihero Iseki (John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd. Management Concepts Award – Trimester 1 Gold Coast Campus)
  • Heather Thomas (John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd. Management Concepts Award – trimester 1 Logan Campus)
  • Indio Myles (John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd. Management Concepts Award – trimester 1 Nathan Campus)
  • Leanne Power (John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd. Management Concepts Award – trimester 2 Gold Coast Campus)
  • Pampreet Grewal (John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd. Management Concepts Award – trimester 2 Nathan Campus)
  • Analise Lopes (Lionel Ledlie Prize of the Industrial Relations Society of QLD)
  • Ebony Lollback (Mapien Prize)
  • Sarah Nugent (McGraw-Hill Australia Award for Industrial Relations)
  • Jade Stevenson (Cengage Learning Student Prize for Marketing Research – Undergraduate Gold Coast campus)
  • Tess Eames (John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd. Introduction to Marketing Award – Trimester 2 Nathan Campus)
  • Chloe Parfitt (John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd. Introduction to Marketing Award – Trimester 1 Gold Coast Campus)
  • Sarah Jones (John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd. Introduction to Marketing Award – Trimester 1 Logan Campus)
  • Katharine Sansom (John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd. Introduction to Marketing Award – Trimester 1 Nathan Campus)
  • Jasmine Cali (John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd. Introduction to Marketing Award- Trimester 2 Gold Coast Campus)
  • Nicholas Coggan (ANKGOLF Prize – Second year student)
  • Matthew Fitzgibbon (Professor Bill Faulkner Memorial Award)
  • Olivia Lord (The Russell Trood Prize in International Relation)

Pro Vice Chancellor (Business) Professor David Grant congratulated the winners of the annual awards, highlighting their dedication to their respective disciplines. “We continue to be proud of the quality and caliber of the students in our Business School as we prepare them for the current and future challenges in the workplace,” Professor Grant said.

“Even though we sadly cannot celebrate their achievements in person this year, it is important that we mark this moment and celebrate the accomplishment of these remarkable winners.

“Thanks to the generous sponsorship and input from our industry partners, I am delighted that we can continue to recognise excellence in this way.”