Imagine developing a big ideaandearningcredit towards your degree, with a good chance of winning up to $10,000 to launch your concept.

That could be your reality, thanks to theGriffith Innovation Challenge.

Griffith Innovation Challenge and 3 Day Startup Project Coordinator Simon Barclay says all Griffith undergraduate students are encouraged to enrolinthe 10CP course, regardless of their degree.

“The Challenge provides students of all study disciplines and experience levels the opportunity to work alone or in teams on ideas for innovative new productsandservices that could result in successful ventures and positive social change,” Simon says.

Even if you are unsure how ‘big’ your idea may be, this course provides a top incubator-like opportunity.”

The course culminates with a pitching competition and awards dinner, where industry representatives as well as social and professionalorganisationshear the finalists’ pitches.

Industry partners Transit Australia Group andRedEyewill sponsor the winning idea.

“The winning individual or team will score up to $10,000 in industry sponsorship and ongoing mentoring to launch their ideaand bring it to life,” Simon says.

“WithGriffithInnovationChallengecourse numbers limited to around 40participants,the chance of winning is quite high.”

Industry mentoring and employability are key

Department of Business Strategy and Innovation’s Head of Department Professor Rosemary Stockdale says all participants will benefit from industry mentoring throughout theGriffith Innovation Challenge.

“Griffith alumni who have become entrepreneurs will mentor individuals and teams to help shape their ideas into viable businesses,shesays.

The Challenge also boostsstudent employabilityand encourages innovation and creativity among all participants.

“Being innovative and creative makes students so much more employable. People aren’t necessarily born with these attributes, but they can most certainly be learned,Professor Stockdale says.

“The whole point of the Challenge is to instill innovation and creativity as core attributes of participants, because surveys show this is what major industries and employers are looking for.

Simon says students working together from a range of study disciplines is another benefit of the course.

“These interdisciplinary teams give students exposure to different ways of thinking and mimic the environment of the workplace,he says.

‘Essential skills for today’s business world’

Chief Executive Officer at Transit Australia Group Michael McGee is both the lead industry sponsor of the Griffith Innovation Challenge and a proud Griffith alumnus.

He says sponsoring the course was an easy decision because of the opportunity it provides to foster innovation.

“This type of course is important for students to develop entrepreneurial skills,” Michael says.

“The skills of creative thinking, problem solving, measured risk taking and ability to pivot on learnings are essential skills for today’s business world.”

TheGriffith Innovation Challengekicks off in Trimester 2 on the Nathan and Gold Coast campuses, with enrolment currently open to all Griffith University undergraduate students.

For more information, seeGriffith Innovation Challenge.