The inaugural scholarship,valued at $6000,will be offeredfromTrimester 1 2019and is intended to supporta student who isthefirst in their family to attend university. The primary purpose of the scholarship is toenable the recipientto focus on their studiesbyreducingsome of the financial burdens associated with further study.

Susan Rallings.
SusanRallings, Chair of the Board says the initiative was of great importance to members.“We understand that education can be transformative and provide opportunities to people that theyhadnever previously considered,” she explains.
“The members of theStrategicAdvisory Board know all too wellthat with the changing global work environment leaders need to be able to navigate this shift to make a difference, andwe wanted to lead by example in making acontributionto the Griffith Business School community.”
“We hopeour commitment to the next generation ofbusinessgraduatesservesas a call to action for otherGriffith alumni or industry partnerswhomay be looking for waystoprovidesupport and encouragement toprospective and currentstudentsto enable them to fully participate inuniversity life,”she says.
Pro Vice Chancellor (Business) Professor David Grant expressed his gratitude to the Board for their support. “On behalf of the Griffith Business School community I thank members of the Board for their enduring commitment to supporting the School and ourstudents. This is yet another way in which the Board is assisting us todeliver a remarkable student learning experience.”
Professor Grant continues, “OurStrategy 2017-2020calls for the School to enhance our engagement with industry, government and the social communities we serve. It is through such vehicles as our industry advisory board that we are striving to do so. The impact of the Board’s support for our strategic directions and, importantly, our students continues to be significant.”
Information in relation toGriffith Business School’sStrategic Advisory Board Scholarshipis AVAILABLE HERE.
Applications for the inaugural scholarship close on13 February 2019and areinvitedfrom current Griffith Business School students.