Harmony Day may fall on March 21 each year but at Griffith University there is a full week of activities celebrating our diverse range of culture and recognising and valuing diversity.
March 21is United Nations Day for Elimination of Racial Discrimination, and across Australia this is recognised and celebrated as National Harmony Day. The theme of Harmony extends to all forms of inclusion to acknowledge the rich diversity of people from all backgrounds, life experiences and belief systems.
Student Services Director Dr Joanna Peters said Harmony Week is an important date on Griffith’s calendar.
“At Griffith, everyone belongs and this is demonstrated through our policies and practices and how we treat each other every day.
“Harmony Week is a tangible expression of this with a collaboration across academic and central elements and with student associations and external organisations to bring our community together to participate in a range of thought provoking and fun activities on campus.
“The University is enriched on so many levels by ethnic and cultural diversity and recognises this through promoting a climate of respect,” Dr Peters said
A wide-ranging group of programs and activities will be on offer at all five campuses duringGriffith’s Harmony Weekcelebrations from March 19—23, including Griffith Mates’ popular Universal Feast at Gold Coast and Nathan and a Citizenship Ceremony at Nathan.