Griffith-based International Business and Investment scholarProfessor Sara McGaughey has been appointed as President and Chair of the Australia and New Zealand chapter of the Academy of International Business(AIB-ANZ).

Professor McGaughey, a member of Griffith Business School‘s Department of International Business and Asian Studies and theGriffith Asia Institute, will be joined by fellow IBAS and GAI academicDr Dhara Shah, who has also joined the AIB-ANZ executive committee.

Professor Sara McGaughey

“The AIB-ANZ annual chapter meeting is hosted each year in a different location within Australia or New Zealand, and is very multi-disciplinary,” Professor McGaughey (pictured right) said.

“It typically involves a full-day research symposium and a paper development workshop, with distinguished scholars of international business providing feedback on research at all stages of development. Participants come from Australia and New Zealand, as well as further abroad.”

The Academy of International Business is regarded as the leading association of scholars and specialists in international business. Drawing from academics, consultants, practitioners and policy makers, its member base now surpasses 3100 individuals from 89 countries around the world.

Along with the chapter’s eponymous countries, AIB-ANZ also includes representatives from part of New Guinea and the Pacific Islands. The chapter currently boasts more than 170 members, who benefit from the networking and knowledge-exchange opportunities provided by their participation.

“I am always struck by the warm collegiality at AIB-ANZ Chapter meetings,” Professor McGaughey said. “It’s a distinguishing characteristic.

“There are plenty of opportunities for scholars at the earlier stages of their careers or doctoral studies to spend time with those more experienced. We end up discussing not only research, but all sorts of broader issues that arise in academic life and careers.

“Overall, AIB-ANZ is a great community in which to exchange knowledge and build lasting connections.”

Learn more about the AIB Australia and New Zealand chapter and join the network on the AIB-ANZ website.