This year is the 20th anniversary of the successful partnership agreement between Griffith University and Griffith College (formerly QIBT). Navitas and Griffith University have successfully collaborated — through QIBT — since 1997 providing pathway courses for more than 14,000 domestic and international students.

The first intake of students at the University’s Mt Gravatt campus was in 1998 with 97 students enrolled in five programs. Many more programs were added to the original 5 over the ensuing years, and in 2012, the College added a second location and began delivering classes on the University’s Gold Coast campus.

The college was renamed in December 2015 as Griffith College in order to integrate more closely with the University and cement the notion of the College as the best pathway to Griffith University.

Griffith University Vice Chancellor and President Professor Ian O’Connor said Griffith College was a formidable extension to Griffith University and provided a key pathway to university education for thousands of students.

“This will be a very important transition into University for students who might not meet the initial entry criteria.”

Students who may not have the full prerequisites to undertake a university degree can attain the required levels by studying a Diploma with Griffith College, before qualifying for immediate entry into a Griffith University degree – often with advanced standing. The College also offers an Associate Degree in Business and Commerce leading to a Griffith University degree and a Masters Qualifying Program as a pathway to postgraduate study in Business, IT and Engineering.

Griffith College offers Diploma programs in the following study areas:

  • arts
  • business/commerce
  • criminology
  • design
  • engineering
  • health care/nursing
  • health sciences
  • hotel management
  • information technology
  • media and communication
  • psychology
  • science

For more information about individual programs offered at the College, please visit