An e-poster developed by a Griffith Business School Honours student and her supervisor took out the top prize at the 2017 Australian International Education Conference.
Rebecca Cozens presented her research “Global mobility: the key to student success?“ at the event in Hobart last week.
The theme of the conference was ‘Embracing Diversity’, with a program that featured world leading experts in the field.
After giving a remarkable 40-minute presentation, Rebecca was presented with the award for the best poster.
Co-authored with her supervisor, Dr Amanda Daly, the e-poster discussed the current research referencing the relationship between student retention and mobility. It gave consideration to the diversity in students’ socioeconomic and academic backgrounds, motivations, and learning behaviours, as well as the range of overseas experiences provided by institutions.
Domestic and international student retention continues to be a key priority among Australian universities, and indeed worldwide.
While many institutions have a focus on increasing degree completion rates, little attention has been given to the impact of overseas student mobility on student engagement and its role in retention strategies.
This innovative research proposes a model to highlight ways in which mobility offices may collaborate with faculties and student success staff to develop an integrated approach to actively engage and retain students through participation in overseas mobility experiences.