On 22 February 2017, Griffith University welcomed an official visit from Shenyang University of Technology (SUT). The high-level visit saw SUT’s leader, Party Secretary, Mr Liu Zikang, visit for the first time. During discussions, Mr Liu informed Griffith colleagues of his “personal commitment to the relationship”, and, his wish to have “a deeper level of cooperation”. SUT has been a long-term partner for Griffith in China for the past 17 years.

The visit gave both institutions an opportunity to further strengthen the current relationship. It also gave the Party Secretary an opportunity to meet with Griffith’s Vice President (Global), Professor Sarah Todd. Professor Todd was delighted that Mr Liu Zikang chose to come to Griffith on his first trip as Party Secretary at SUT. “The SUT-Griffith relationship is not only a longstanding one, it is also one that both universities are very committed to. This visit has provided the opportunity to further develop conversations regarding the next chapter in our co-operation, and I look forward to seeing an already strong partnership enhanced.”

Dr Allen Huang from Griffith’s Department of Accounting, Finance and Economics has been responsible for forging the longstanding relationship. The partnership provides Chinese students with an opportunity to undertake a joint degree in either accounting or international business. Students undertake two years of study at SUT followed by two years at Griffith.

The SUT partnership is a significant collaboration for Griffith. Since the foundation of the relationship in 2000, more than 1000 students have completed the program. Future direction will also include looking at opportunities within the Griffith School of Engineering.