It’s the simple smile on a child’s face that makes new teacher Danielle Nash know she made the right career choice.

The Year 5/6 teacher at Springwood Central State School officially began her career as a full-time teacher after graduating from Griffith University with a Bachelor of Education (Primary) in June.

“The children keep me motivated,” she said.

“It’s those moments where the children are engaged in learning and they just look happy — those little things remind me that I’m doing the right thing and I can make a difference.”

Mrs Nash hadn’t always wanted to be a teacher though. After a string of different jobs she fell into a job working with children in outside of school hours care then later transitioned to become a teacher’s aide, before she finally decided to start a degree at University.

“It was quite a hard decision to go back and study, but I just thought I’d give it a go,” she said.

Mrs Nash is certainly glad she did.

She was one of the first pre-service teachers to transition through the Logan City Teacher Education Centre of Excellence (LCTECE): Leaders of Learning program.

Danielle Nash with her Year5/6 class at Springwood Central State School.

Danielle Nash with her Year5/6 class at Springwood Central State School.

This opportunity led her to a six-week internship and subsequent permanent employment at Springwood Central State School.

The LCTECE was established by the Department of Education and Training to build the capability, readiness and resilience of best-fit, early career teachers for Logan City state schools.

“LCTECE reinvigorated my thirst for teaching,” Mrs Nash said.

“Being a part of the Logan community and continuously engaging in learning experiences meant that I was able to look outside of the university bubble and see the real possibilities of teaching.

“Thanks to LCTECE, my mindset changed from ‘student’ to ‘teacher’, and after 3 years of study, this was a massive hurdle for me. My studies at Griffith equipped me for life in the classroom, especially in terms of the curriculum and subject content, but it was the internship at Springwood Central SS that really prepared me for life as a teacher.”

Read how other graduates kickstarted their careers:

Mechanical engineering graduate Sebastian Speck

Business graduate Hayley Thomas

Family and Child Studies graduate Mindy Nelson


Springwood Central State School Principal Sarah Fraser said she was impressed with Mrs Nash commitment to the school and its students during her internship.

“Danielle is an absolute asset to our school and the support from the LCTECE and her university has enabled her to be better prepared to take on the challenges of being a great teacher,” she said.

“Great graduate teachers, such as Mrs Nash, ensure a positive future for our schools and students.”