Griffith University students are fast becoming quality employees for the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games Corporation (GOLDOC), with a second student intern being offered a paid full-time position.

Master of Business/Master of Human Resource Management student Hayley Thomas has started in the role of Accommodation Administration Assistant, after completing an internship this year with the GOLDOC Accommodation team.

Hayley is one of nine Griffith students to undertake internships to date, with 250 in total on offer in the lead up to the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games (GC2018).

Griffith Engineering student Adil Rachidi was the first intern to be offered a full time job at GOLDOC earlier this year. GOLDOC has also employed seven Griffith graduates across a range of areas.

“It has been one of the most fulfilling experiences for me, as I not only developed professionally but personally,” Hayley said.

“Being immersed in the organisational culture and contributing has been exciting and rewarding.

“I’m proud to be able to continue my journey at GOLDOC from intern to employee.

“I’m excited for this once-in-a-generation opportunity to be the start of my career, to grow and develop professionally surrounded by such experienced and knowledgeable people.”

Hayley said she found the cross over between what she learnt during her internship and her studies was very valuable.

“In one of my previous subjects I had used a reservation system for accommodation, which was being used at GOLDOC so it was a great opportunity to apply my knowledge in a professional setting,” she said.

Hayley will start as two days a week and slowly increase to full time once she has completed her studies at Griffith by the end of the year.

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GOLDOC Manager Accommodation, Gabby Daniels said Hayley was a stand out from the time of her interview due to her professional demeanour and exceptional communication skills.

“It was important from the outset to discuss with Hayley what she was hoping to achieve from her time at GOLDOC,” she said.

“As a fellow Griffith University Graduate and Alumni, I am a strong supporter of the intern program.

“It was through Hayley’s willingness to take on new challenges and ability to work well within the Accommodation team that presented the full time employment opportunity.

“Hayley’s skill set, prior knowledge of the Accommodation Reservation System (Event AIR) and full time commitment during the University holiday period has been invaluable to the Accommodation Function Area.”