By Griffith Film School graduates Lauren andLeticia of L&L Film Productions
It is so strange the way we feel about pridein Australia. It comes across boastful and pompous when really, to have pride is such a beautiful thing. I’ll admit writing “university pride”gave us both a slight twinge to begin with however, wehave quickly come to realise that there are no other words more appropriate — and that is nothing to be ashamed about.
Graduating is something we have always been honest about — it’s pretty terrifying, especially to begin with.You leave university and behind you is everything you’ve taken for granted. Support and structure.For me, it was the people that I missed the most. We were a community — like family.
The lecturers, my peers and even friends from other degrees all taught me so many things. Other professions I’m sure experience a similar support system throughout their studies — however, there was something truly special I got from the film degree. The truth is — I loved every minute of my degree.
Love what you do and love it unconditionally.
These may seem like recycled words — but for us they have never been more relevant. Myfellow industry members will recognise that there is a unique and fiery quality associated with Griffith graduates. We don’t give up, we don’t take no for an answer and we stick together. While in some instances this can seem competitive and obsessive I believe we have the unique privilege of continuing to grow together. We push and we challenge and we do our absolute very best to make the beautiful content we dream about.

Griffith Film School graduates from 2015, Lauren and Leticia say their passion has always been to share beautiful and truthful experiences.
We were so proud to be working on the Griffith Annual Appeal project along side our fellow graduates and other current Griffith students and staff. I guess I never realised how powerful the Griffith community is — or that it even really existed. To be able to find jobs in your industry is such an understated achievement. We have been given this opportunity by Griffith to not only create something really powerful — but to pass on this employment to others as well.
Griffith has whole heartedly taken us under their wing as Alumni and we’ve been lucky to encounter several mentors that have taught us immeasurable lessons. For a gift I never thought to ask for I feel so grateful for the opportunity those at Griffith have given me.
I never thought I’d be a shameless promoter of anything — but I guess when you have an experience that goes beyond expectation you can’t help but share it with everyone you can!