As an elected member of the United Nations Security Council (2013-14) and a member of the Executive Board of UN Women (2013-2015), the Australian government is in a unique position of leadership to advance policies to protect and empower women affected by violent armed conflict globally and in the Asia Pacific region. During the month of September, Australia will assume the role of President of the United Nations Security Council, and has indicated that its priority will be on the neglected role of women in conflict prevention and resolution.
In anticipation of Australia’s important contribution in this issue area, the Women, Peace and Security Academic Collective (WPSAC) organized a public seminar on the 16 August 2013 to spark critical attention to the security of women and children in our region, our government’s responsibilities to these populations and, in particular, our role in assisting the women and children who seek asylum in our region.
Speaking at the event was Senator Claire Moore, Senator for Queensland, Sonia Caton, Chair — Refugee Council of Australia and a Human Rights Lawyer, Faiza El-Higzi, Multicultural Advocacy and Community Development Manager, Mercy Family Services and the Romero Center and Dr Melissa Curley, School of Political Science and International Studies, The University of Queensland.
You can listen to the podcast here.