Finding out about the exciting and far-reaching education opportunities brought about by Griffith’s new $37m business building on the Gold Coast should be top of the list on Open Day.
That’s the view of Griffith business graduate Felicity Cooper who believes the new facility, due to open in July 2014, will enhance the student experience immensely.
Felicity is an investment advisor at RBS Morgans on the Gold Coast, and is also a member of the building’s campaign steering committee.
“It will bring the business community into the university arena like never before. Griffith has always engaged with the local business community. I was aware of this when I was a student here. The new building will strengthen this connection and enable new ways for business, the community and the University to work together.”
Felicity graduated from Griffith with a double degree in business accounting and Japanese.
“The building will also be important to the local economy through employment and the contribution of future graduates to the region.”
A dialogue cafe, student commons and public function spaces will make up part of the seven-storey facility on Parklands Drive, while a specially-designed alumni walk and reception gallery will provide a professional space for students, staff and public to engage with Griffith Business School.
The building’s design will also involve a simulated trading room for students of banking, finance and financial planning.
“There certainly wasn’t a trading room when I was in university,” Felicity said. “This state-of-the-art room will give students a great jump on the financial world. To have an interactive setting where market scenarios are set up for students to engage with is a major practical plus.
“What you learn from a text book and what you learn from practical experience doesn’t always correlate, so bridging the gap in this way is fantastic for students.
“To have this class of facility means people will come here or will stay here to study. I don’t think enough people realise how big it will be and how many students will use it.”
More than 500 business students on the Gold Coast graduated from Griffith Business School on Wednesday last.
The new building will also support and boost Griffith’s Business Plus program, which enables students to combine their studies in business with another area that is important to them.
The building will be home to academic and administrative staff and higher degree research students from the Departments of Accounting, Finance and Economics, International Business and Asian Studies, Employment Relations and Human Resources, Marketing, and the School of Government and International Relations. The Department of Tourism, Sport and Hotel Management will be based close by.
Experience the New Griffith at Open Day 2013 on August 11 (9am-2pm).