The China Group held their ‘China at the Edge: Border Movements of People, Markets and Ideas’ workshop on the 17 July 2013. Presentations included Yunnanisation of Yunnan: China’s Rise and Regional Identity in the Southwest, by Professor Gary Sigley, Professor in Asian Studies, The University of Western Australia; New Movements of Political Ideas in Xinjiang, by Dr Michael Clarke, Senior Research Fellow, Griffith Asia Institute; The Border Between Lenient and Severe Punishment in Drug Crime in Yunnan, by Associate Professor Sue Trevaskes, Australian Research Council QEII Research Fellow, Griffith Asia Institute and Centre of Excellence in Policing and Security (CEPS) and Yunnan in China’s Foreign Policy, by Dr Doug Smith, Lecturer, School of Government and International Relations.
The workshop addressed how these two regions are again taking a more central role in Chinese thinking about domestic and international politics and discussed the changing identity of these two frontiers and the roles they play as subnational actors in both policing their borders and reaching out to near neighbours.