The fifth Australia-China Dialogue Second Track workshop was held on 4 July at Griffith University’s new Sir Samuel Griffith Building. This year’s theme was energy security futures, and the workshop focussed on the contemporary policy environment, Australia-China energy relations, and the outlook for energy security to 2035. A joint initiative of Griffith and Peking Universities, with the support of the Queensland Government, the Second Track workshop attracted many high profile speakers from industry, government,and academia, including representatives from the World Resources Institute (Beijing), Rio Tinto Energy, the Grattan Institute, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and the China Institute of Contemporary International Relations. Scholars from a range of universities also attended, including Peking University, Griffith University, China Foreign Studies University, University of Queensland, Murdoch University, and University of Sydney. An outcomes paper will result from the workshop, which will be distributed widely to government, industry, and the university sector across the region.

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Participants at the 2013 Australia-China Futures Dialogues Second Track Dialogue

Participants at the 2013 Australia-China Futures Dialogues Second Track Dialogue “Securing Our Energy Future: Chinese and Australian Perspectives”.