“It’s like dealing with four year olds”: Age labels in a pro rugby league workplace

Centre for Work Organisation and Wellbeing
What happens when you infantilise the workers in a hyper-masculine workplace like a professional British rugby league club? Loughborough University’s (UK) Professor Christine Coupland discussed just that as a guest of the Centre for Work, Organisation and Wellbeing’s Seminar Series on Monday (30 November, 2015). Approached by the club’s director with a broad brief of […]

Wrap up: what does gender and diversity at work look like?

Centre for Work Organisation and Wellbeing
This article is authored by Centre for Work, Organisation and Wellbeing (WOW) Higher Degree Research student member, Carolina Bouten-Pinto, and was first published via LinkedIn’s Pulse blog on 28 October, 2015 Yesterday, I attended the ‘So what does gender and diversity at work look like? symposium at Griffith University. The symposium is organised twice a […]

Gender equity in universities and 30 years of research

Centre for Work Organisation and Wellbeing
Professor Glenda Strachan and colleagues conducted a major Australian Research Council (ARC) Linkage project funded byUniversities Australia, Unisuper and the National Tertiary Education Union on gender equity in universities in 2012. As well as a major report, they have also published papers on the use of casual academic staff, the insecurity facing highly skilled research […]

Women in leadership at the G20: round up

Centre for Work Organisation and Wellbeing
Forty-plus degree temperatures could not keep delegates–including Centre members Kate Shacklock, Georgina Murray, Elliroma Gardiner, and Higher Degrees Research (HDR) students Jessica Blomfield (pictured right), Mahan Poorhosseinzadeh and Vishal Rana–away from the G20 International Dialogue on Women in Leadership held at South Bank, Brisbane on the 16-17 November, 2014. With welcomes from Professor Ian O’Connor, […]