2020 Remote Global WIL: Shaping the next generation of Asia-Pacific leaders

Business and government
Led by Griffith Asia Institute (GAI), the 20 credit-point Griffith Asia Business Internship (GABI) elective course reimagines ‘Asian Studies’ for the contemporary business context and for the first time in 2020 was delivered remotely across five Asian countries, including Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Korea and Malaysia. GABI equipped students with the knowledge, skills and networks […]

Indo-Pacific research study initiated between ACIAR and Griffith Asia Institute

Business and government
At the mention of ‘2020’, thoughts immediately spring to health disasters and the subsequent economic loss. As would be expected, the major force of the research world has been put to developing a suitable vaccine to COVID-19, but two Griffith University researchers have crossed discipline lines to provide a different response to the COVID-19 pandemic. […]