Rope entanglement behind low breeding in right whales
Entanglements and ship strikes heavily impact critically endangered species' future.
Entanglements and ship strikes heavily impact critically endangered species' future.
A Griffith University and UQ research collab is reshaping our understanding of human biomechanics.
Griffith researchers shed new light on how cyanobacteria blooms can continue long after their food source disappears.
Griffith University researchers are unravelling how stressors like climate change, pollution and dissolved nitrogen and sediment from run-off are having combined effects in coastal ecosystems.
Professor John Rasko is a globally pre-eminent physician-scientist whose work on regenerative medicine and biotechnology is fundamentally changing our understanding...
Highestsinglecarbonstocksever reported found in mangrove 'cenotes'.
A highly regarded chemical biologist with a distinguished record in championing research across several continents, Professor Mario Pinto, has been announced as Griffith University’s new Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research).
What makes a man’s body attractive? In many mammalian species, females evolved to prefer the strongest males. According to research from Griffith University, the same is true of humans.
New insights into the way that theropod dinosaurs walked the earth, are providing another piece of the puzzle regarding our understanding of extinct animals and how we portray them in popular culture.
A Griffith University physicist is challenging the conventional view of space and time to show how the world advances through...