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2024 AEL Summer Scholarship program
3MT Three Minute Thesis
Advanced Design and Prototyping Technologies Institute
Architecture Construction and Planning
Arts Education and Law
Australian Institute for Suicide Research and Prevention
Australian Research Centre for Human Evolution
Australian Rivers Institute
Autism Centre of Excellence
Bachelor of Musical Theatre
Brisbane CBD
Brisbane South (Nathan)
Centre for Applied Energy Economics and Policy Research
Centre for Catalysis and Clean Energy
Centre for Cell Factories and Biopolymers
Centre for Governance and Public Policy
Centre for Mental Health
Centre for Planetary Health and Food Security
Centre for Social and Cultural Research
Centre for Systems Innovation
Centre for Work Organisation and Well Being
Cities Research Institute
Clem Jones Centre for Neurobiology and Stem Cell Research
Climate Action Beacon
Coastal and Marine Research Centre
Compounds Australia
Creative Arts Research Institute
Criminology and Law
Department of Accounting Finance and Economics
Department of Business Strategy and Innovation
Department of Employment Relations and Human Resources
Department of Marketing
Department of Tourism Sport and Hotel Management
Disaster Management
Disrupting Violence Beacon
Domestic violence
Emerging Viruses Inflammation and Therapeutics
Engineering IT and Aviation
Gender Equality Research Network
Gold Coast
Gold Coast Health and Knowledge Precinct
Griffith Asia Institute
Griffith Business School
Griffith Centre for Social and Cultural Research
Griffith Centre of Biomedical and Rehabilitation Engineering
Griffith College
Griffith Criminology Institute
Griffith English Language Institute
Griffith Enterprise
Griffith Film School
Griffith Graduate Research School
Griffith Health
Griffith Institute for Drug Discovery
Griffith Institute for Educational Research
Griffith Institute for Tourism
Griffith International
Griffith Law School
Griffith MBA
Griffith Review
Griffith Sciences
Griffith Sciences partnerships
Griffith Sport
Griffith Sports College
Griffith University Art Museum
GUMURRI Student Success Unit
Honorary Doctorates
Humanities Languages and Social Science
Inclusive Futures: Reimagining Disability Beacon
Indigenous Research Unit
Industry partnerships
Institute for Biomedicine and Glycomics
Institute for Glycomics
Institute for Integrated and Intelligent Systems
Law Futures Centre
MATE Bystander Program
Medicine Dentistry and Health
Menzies Health Institute Queensland
Music and Performing Arts
National Centre for Neuroimmunology and Emerging Diseases
Outstanding Alumni Awards
Policy Innovation Hub
Queensland Academy of Excellence in Musical Theatre
Queensland College of Art and Design
Queensland Conservatorium
Queensland Micro and Nanotechnology Centre
Queensland Quantum and Advanced Technologies Research Institute
School of Applied Psychology
School of Criminology and Criminal Justice
School of Education and Professional Studies
School of Engineering and Built Environment
School of Environment and Science
School of Government and International Relations
School of Health Sciences and Social Work
School of Humanities Languages and Social Science
School of Information and Communication Technology
School of Medicine and Dentistry
School of Medicine and Dentistry
School of Nursing and Midwifery
School of Pharmacy and Medical Sciences
Science and Environment
Social Marketing @ Griffith
South Bank
Student Academy of Excellence
The Campaign to Create a Brighter Future for All
The Hopkins Centre
Transforming Human Origins Research
UN Sustainable Development Goals
Visual and Creative Arts
All Authors
Aaron Bach
Alexis Kallio
Alison McIntyre
Amalie Hart
Amber Marshall
Amy Adams
Amy Wallace
Andres Felipe Suarez-Castro
Angela MacDonald
Annaleece Best
Bart Padjasek
Belle Hammond
Ben Dobson
Ben Jagmann
Benjamin Law
Beryl Exley
Brooke Smith
Cailea Atkinson
Callie Hoole
Camille Chorley
Carley Rosengreen
Carrie McCarthy
Casey Stewart
Centre Manager
Chantal Gallant
Charles Martin
Charntel Cleveland
Chris Bigum
Christie Ots
Christine Bowley
Christopher Arnott
Colin Hutchins
Connie Gan
Danny Clayton
David Geelan
David Hamilton
Diti Bhattacharya
Donna Harris
Donna McDonald
Ed Morgan
Elaine Chaio Ling Yang
Elizabeth Best
Eloise Copp
Emilie McGrath
Emma Carroll
Emma O'Connor
Etueni Ngaluafe
Fiona Wright
Fran Sheldon
Grace Erskine-Shaw
Graeme Hughes
Gui Lohmann
Hamish Townsend
Hayley Payne
Heather Weekes
Huw Groucutt
Iain MacKenzie
Ian Lowe
Ian O'Connor
Issy Routledge
Jaclyn Barker
Jacqueline Hartwig
Jaimee Stuart
Jane McCubbin
Janet Ransley
Jason Doyle
Jen Lofgren
Jennifer Alford
Jennifer Menzies
Jill Moriarty
Jo Merley
Joel Staunton
John Fan
John Kaarsberg
Joseph O'Rourke
Julie Blakey
Kairi Kõlves
Kathy Gibbs
Kathy Kruger
Kelsey Wotherspoon
Kerrie Foxwell-Norton
Kiri Lingman
Kurt Prosper
Kylie McLeod
Leanne Towerzey
Leanne Wiseman
Leonie Lockstone-Binney
Liz Simmons
Lizzie Riek
Louise Crossen
Luke Balcombe
Luke Bayliss
Luke Booker
Mandy Gibson
Margaret Cook
Margo van Felius
Maria Djuric
Marie-Louise Fry
Mathew Stewart
Matthew Burke
Matthew Macdade
Melanie Carroll
Melinda Rogers
Michael Jacobson
Michael Petraglia
Michaela Eadie
Michelle Craig
Michelle Ronksley-Pavia
Millie York
Mitch Knox
Monique Mita
Nadine M. Connell
Nance Haxton
Natasha Hennessey
Natasha Vary
Nathan Garland
Nick Barter
Nicola Rahman
Nicole Butler
Paige Carfrae
Paul Burton
Peter Anderson
Peter Willcox
Peter Young
Phoebe Maher
Rachael Leeson
Rachel Oh
Rawan Nimri
Renan De Oliviera
Richard Meade
Rob Kidd
Robert Bianchi
Sarah Harris
Sarah Kirkham
Sarah Lukic
Shannon Stone
Shannon Walding
Sidsel Grimstad
Sienna Van Rossum
Silke Meyer
Sonya Brown
Sophie Gadaloff
Stephen O'Grady
Susan Grantham
Susan Harris Rimmer
Tania Layden
Thea van de Mortel
Thomas Pitts
Timothy Piatkowski
Xi Wen (Carys) Chan
Yawei Jiang
Yongsheng Gao
Zehra Rabbani
Zhiwei Xu
Zoe Rathus
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