Planet and people will prosper if resources are better shared
Griffith co-authors play key role in global study to identify sustainable and equitable boundaries for shared resources.
Griffith co-authors play key role in global study to identify sustainable and equitable boundaries for shared resources.
Can basic human water needs be met without exceeding safe and just Earth System Boundaries (ESB) for surface and groundwater (blue water), defined to protect people and planet?
Griffith researchers collaborated on new study that shows humans are taking colossal risks with the future of civilization and everything that lives on Earth.
For biodiversity to thrive, conservation efforts must be ‘Nature and People Positive’, a recent study has found.
To meet basic human needs across the globe without breaching environmental limits will require a redistribution of resources and a transformation of society
Griffith University researchers partnered with Traditional Custodians to tell the story of how science interweaves with the Traditional Knowledge of the Mitchell River
Griffith University researchers were central in developing the Asian Development Bank’s world leading water security index, the Asian Water Development Outlook 2020