Five minutes with…Ashlea Troth

Centre for Work Organisation and Wellbeing
Associate Professor Ashlea Troth has always been interested in people. She likes to know what makes them tick!! We spend a lot of time in the workplace, she says, and how one thinks and feels at, and about work, has a huge impact. So we spent five minutes with Ashlea to learn a little more […]

Five minutes with…David Grant

Centre for Work Organisation and Wellbeing
Professor David Grant is the Griffith Business School’s Pro Vice Chancellor, holding executive leadership, management and strategic planning responsibilities for the entire Group. Somewhere amongst this he also (longs to) find time to research into the impact of leadership development and change practices on work and organisation. Somewhat unusually, David looks at these issues drawing […]

Five minutes with…Keith Townsend

Business and government
An undergraduate degree focusing on industrial relations (IR), public policy and politics, coupled with previous management and [IR] practitioner experience combined to reveal for Associate Professor Keith Townsend, just how complicated working life can be. Spending his life talking to others about their workplace complications has set him on a path; and the destination is […]

Five minutes with…Amanda Biggs

Centre for Work Organisation and Wellbeing
Understanding the relationship between employee-employer interactions, employee health and employer-level mechanisms such as policies, leadership style and culture, underpins Dr Amanda Biggs’ research. We spent five minutes with Amanda to learn a little more… In what area/s do your current research interests lie? In addition to examining the mechanisms underlying the [aforementioned] relationships, I am […]

Five minutes with…Kaye Broadbent

Business and government
WOW’s Dr Kaye Broadbent wants to shine a light on the employment conditions of those who are vulnerable and oppressed. Her research works towards affecting positive change by highlighting the ways in which people’s lives can be improved through equitable and just employment conditions. We caught up with Kaye to learn a little more about […]