Search results for: thanksgiving service

Showing 1 - 7 of 7 results

13 October 2011

Thanksgiving service marks outstanding human generosity

Final year medicine student Nick Cocks has the honour of carrying the Book of Remembrance at the third annual Griffith...

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15 October 2015

Remembering those who’ve provided the greatest gift

The seventh annual Thanksgiving Service will take place this Thursday (October 15), as Griffith University will honour the 43 people who have bequeathed their bodies to the Body Donation Program over the past 12 months.

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30 October 2014

Griffith gives thanks for the greatest gift

A special Thanksgiving Service took place last night, Wednesday (October 29), when Griffith honoured the 57 people who have bequeathed their bodies to the Body Donation Program over the past 12 months.

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16 October 2013

Remembering those who’ve provided the greatest gift

Griffith student Wayne Kennedy playing Flower of Scotland on the bagpipes will be one of the highlights at the fifth annual Griffith University Thanksgiving service in recognition of body donors this Thursday.

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22 May 2023

Becoming a living donor could help save lives

Just as donating your organs may save a life, donating your whole body contributes to educating the next generation of health professionals who will undoubtedly go on to save lives every day.

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1 November 2013

Generosity marks our community

The generous nature of the Griffith community has been on show lately and it makes us all very proud.

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24 October 2012

The greatest gift of all

The sound of Griffith student Wayne Kennedy playing Amazing Grace on the bagpipes will beone of the highlights at the...

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