Search results for: teens

Showing 1 - 10 of 37 results

8 April 2022

Teens at risk from a lack of education and research on vaping 

Vaping is a silent epidemic that threatens the health and wellbeing of Australian teens, say Griffith University experts in social marketing.

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24 August 2021

Stressed teens benefit from coping online when less is more

Teenagers who spend a few hours online after a stressful experience fare better than those who spend too much time or none at all.

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9 July 2021
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8 August 2016

Good girl identity is No.1 for teens online

Australian teenage girls value friendships more than anything else in their everyday online interactions, with the most sought after identity being the “good girl”.

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16 October 2015

Celebrities open eyes of Gold Coast Indigenous teens

A national journalist, a rugby league star and an Olympic 100m Sprinter all shared their journeys of success and fame...

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2 June 2023

SDG focus elevates Griffith in Times Higher Ed 2023 sustainability impact rankings.

Griffith University ranked second overall in Queensland in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings 2023 and ranked 72 overall, out of 1591 institutions globally, highlighting Griffith’s commitment to the values of sustainable development.

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17 November 2022

Dream Big with Deadly U

Griffith University will host 150 Indigenous high school students from around Southeast Queensland at the Deadly U Experience, an on-campus event designed to raise aspirations toward tertiary education.

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6 September 2022

Cyberbullying: How can parents identify and intervene?

Cyberbullying can be confusing and distressing for young people, but it is not often the case that youth actively hide bullying from those who care about them. Dr Jaimee Stewart identifies how parents can identify and intervene in cyberbullying.

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12 October 2021

The state of storytelling with David Malouf, Melissa Lucashenko and Trent Dalton

This conversation sees Kerry O'Brien speak with acclaimed authors David Malouf, Melissa Lucashenko and Trent Dalton about Australia’s evolving storytelling culture.

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20 September 2021
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