Robotic surgery giving hope to prostate cancer patientsÂ
In a world firsttrial, Australian researchers have found that robotic-assisted prostatectomy is providing equal outcomes for urinary and erectile function to open prostatectomy.
In a world firsttrial, Australian researchers have found that robotic-assisted prostatectomy is providing equal outcomes for urinary and erectile function to open prostatectomy.
A revolutionary technology in complex reconstructive and robotic surgery is offering amputees a significantly improved quality of life, providing them with far greater mobility and comfort.
Griffith has secured a $2m grant from the Motor Accident Insurance Commission for the BioSpine program.
A highly promising approach to treating HPV-drivenhead andneckcanceris on the way,and it could be in the shape of a simple...
Groundbreaking bioengineering and 3D printing technology at Griffith is creating hope for sufferers of Scapholunate Interosseous Ligament (SLIL) injury, the most common of wrist ligament injuries.