Search results for: rcccpi

Showing 1 - 5 of 5 results

4 July 2013

Nine newsreader praises Griffith health research

Channel 9 newsreader Eva Milic praised Griffith’s contribution to the field of healthcare practice, at the 10 year celebration and...

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4 October 2012

GHI professor joins World Health Organisation

Griffith Health Professor Wendy Moyle has been appointed to a board of the World Health Organisation (WHO), which will revise the International Classification Diseases handbook.

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21 September 2012

Massive savings beckon from IV drip research

A Griffith Health Institute (GHI) study into the use of IV drips in hospital wards has the potentialto save the...

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20 June 2011

Important first look at suicidality among carers

A Griffith University researcher will explore suicide risk among carers of people with dementia after identifying ___a clear imperative___ for...

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5 May 2011

Institute home to leading research projects

An innovative new program using some of the world’s most up-to-date technology to analyse the body’s movement of muscle and...

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