Search results for: professor malcolm mcintosh

Showing 1 - 5 of 5 results

9 February 2015
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4 March 2014
Laptop with screenshot of MBA Griffith

MBA goes from strength to strength

Griffith MBA enrolments are on the rise again with 94 students starting the 2014 program. This represents more than a...

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25 September 2012

Business booming towards greener future

How hard-edged business practices can live alongside an increasingly compelling environmental agenda will be discussed at South Bank this week...

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30 May 2012

Business sector faces up to ‘variable’ impacts of carbon tax

Australian industries face uncertain times with the onset of the carbon price in exactly a month, a Griffith University forum...

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5 March 2012

Reducing the carbon footprint of health care

Jude Singleton had been a pharmacist for 24 years when she caught the bug to study a Master of Business...

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