Search results for: professor dick drew

Showing 1 - 10 of 12 results

1 April 2019
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29 March 2019

Research Impact: Management solutions for pest fruit flies in Australia and south-east Asia

Professor Emeritus Dick Drew and colleagues have documented more than 500 new fruit fly species and studied all known species across south-east Asia and the Pacific region.

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23 November 2016

Fruit fly invention recognised in AFR Higher Education Awards

Griffith's world-first fruit fly trap has been recognised by the Australian Financial Review Higher Education Awards. The project won second prize in the Technology One Industry Engagement Award.

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10 November 2016

Champions from all walks of life connect with Griffith

From human rights to financial acumen to the Commonwealth Games, Griffith is connecting with champions of all walks of life

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11 October 2016

World-first fruit fly trap to capture massive agricultural gains

The ‘Holy Grail’ of fruit fly traps has been launched, dramatically boosting Australia’s potential for agricultural production in what is already a multibillion dollar industry, thanks to Griffith University research.

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9 March 2015

Has Fruit Fly finally met its match?

There are more than 50 major pest fruit fly species known and their worldwide economic impact on crop production, international...

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16 November 2023

Cass makes a big splash at Griffith Sports Blues Awards

Elite athlete and Bachelor of Psychology student, Cassiel Rousseau, has capped off a stunning 12 months by being named the recipient of the Most Outstanding Sporting Achievement at the University's annual Blues Awards for Sporting Excellence

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7 September 2021
Stan Grant

In Conversation with Stan Grant

A new world order Stan Grant has built an illustrious career as a distinguished Australian and international broadcaster, author and...

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29 June 2021
Stan Grant

In Conversation with Stan Grant

Join Stan and Kerry as they explore the opportunities and challenges facing our rapidly and unpredictable changing world order, and what the future might hold for all Australians.

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6 December 2018
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