Search results for: professor catherine pickering

Showing 1 - 10 of 35 results

24 October 2016

Rare plants part of everyday life at Griffith

Griffith University is home to some of south-east Queensland’s rarest native plants, and Professor Catherine Pickering wants more people know about it.

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30 June 2016

‘Go native to fight climate change’

Gold Coast residents can tackle climate change head-on by by growing more local plants in their backyard to help mitigate its impact, says Griffith University Professor Catherine Pickering.

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26 November 2021
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5 June 2021
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11 May 2021

Reviewing literature: Convention on Biological Diversity

The United Nations’ Convention on Biological Diversity is the most important global agreement for conservation and arose in response to declines in biodiversity due to human activities.

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19 April 2021
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3 March 2021
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10 December 2020
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31 August 2020
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30 October 2019
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