Search results for: plastic pollution

Showing 1 - 10 of 20 results

20 February 2024
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12 December 2023
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6 September 2023
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13 July 2023

Plastics are breaking up not down in lakes worldwide

For the first time plastics have been assessed in lakes across the world, with some found to be worse impacted than oceans

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12 July 2023

Where are Australians breathing the most microplastics indoors?

Griffith University researchers have taken a forensic look at the amount of airborne microplastics indoors in Australia and the results are confronting

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22 March 2023

Sedimentation sifted out of pollution priorities

Sediment runoff from land use change is missing from global priorities, despite being one of the greatest threats facing freshwater and marine ecosystems

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26 September 2022
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13 August 2019

Marine pollution solutions in focus at Griffith University with Australia Awards in Indonesia

A cohort of professionals focusing on marine pollution reduction from across Indonesia joined an Australia Awards in Indonesia pre-course workshop....

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9 March 2018
Krill's plastic-eating abilities has surprised researchers. Photo supplied: Rob King, Australian Antarctic Division.

Study finds Antarctic krill turn microplastics into nanoplastics

A groundbreaking Griffith University study has found Antarctic krill which ingest microplastics are able to turn them into nanoplastics through digestion.

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22 December 2020

New definition of sustainability reflects the interdependence of all life

An international collaboration reveals a new definition of sustainability that expands the concept to non-human species and their needs.

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