Refugees and the Rule of Law
Griffith Law School Dean Professor Penelope Mathew will join a panel discussion on Refugees and the Rule of Law at the Supreme Court of Queensland tonight.
Griffith Law School Dean Professor Penelope Mathew will join a panel discussion on Refugees and the Rule of Law at the Supreme Court of Queensland tonight.
Griffith Law School Dean Professor Penelope Mathew will present the annual Arts, Education & Law public lecture on Thursday, July 17.
Griffith Law School Dean Penelope Mathew has joined a group of scholars signing a statement regarding Sri Lankan asylum seekers.
Griffith Law School academics welcome Queensland’s Human Rights Act Bill and are available for comment Associate Professor Sue Harris-Rimmer, Australian...
Proving the adage that practice makes perfect, Griffith Law School graduate Madeline Lacy has obtained a position with law firm MinterEllison after interning with its Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games Corporation (GOLDOC) legal team.
Griffith law students are gaining unprecedented experience in the legal practice of running the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games (GC2018),...
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees has often advocated for and been closely involved in regional arrangements for protection of refugees. Professor Pene Mathew and Tristan Harley take a closer look at the issue.
The Immigration Minister’s confirmation that a boat load of people has been returned to Vietnam leaves many questions unanswered.
Griffith Law School Dean presented the annual Arts, Education & Law public lecture at South Bank on July 17.
From Cannes Film Festival in France, to the beaches of Western Australia, students and alumni in the Arts, Education and...